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Bidong Island, Peninsular (West Malaysia)

Need a dive buddy? Not to worry as turtles or Big Eye Snappers and many more reef fishes will happily accompany you around! The water is clear with visibility of more than 15 meters and many of the areas are untouched or under-publicised in comparison to other dive sites in Terengganu. Pulau Bidong and its six neigbouring islands like Pulau Karah, Pulau Gelok and Pulau Tengkorak have numerous notable dive areas. The average depth of these sites are from 10 to 20 meters with the deepest being the one near Pulau Tengkorak at about 27 meters. The last is said to be one of the best sites available.

Access To get to the island, it takes 40 to 50 minutes by boat from Kuala Terengganu or Merang town.

Day Trip To Bidong Island

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